� Specialty & Unique Projects �
����There are several special areas that we have developed into over the last many years which may be of particular use to our diversified clientele. The following areas are some of the more unique ones:�
- Building additions and structures in flood plains and flood ways.
- Commercial shower rooms out of ceramic tile, poured fiberglass, stainless steel, and several other combinations.
- Working in commercial office construction/remodeling while business is being conducted. We start with the first rule and that is to conduct most of the work nights and weekends to minimize disruption to the staff. From there we go to several special working methods and rules that leave the customer's staff feeling that we are doing everything we can to make this time as less stressful as possible.
- Remote area work - we are set up to bring our own power, living quarters, and other necessities to work sites that are well off the beaten path.
- Politically sensitive construction projects - situations where neighbors don't get along or there are some preexisting circumstances with the local building department. We have worked with over 50 different building/planning departments over the years.
Please Note: ��This does not mean you may hire us to lie, cheat or steal. We conduct our business within the existing rule structure - we however have a clear understanding who we are working for and have a good reputation for getting accomplished what we start out to do - ethically.
- Historical and era matching work - we have done extensive work of this type and have many examples of changing or adding on to structures where you are very hard pressed to tell where we started and they stopped.
- Contemporary construction - the use of new designs, materials and constructions methods are the favorite of our company president. He comes with the experience to identify and help modify (without losing the intent of the design) plans and structures so that they will not only look good and function well now, but for many years to come.
- Colored, patterned concrete and unique shaped concrete - we can make concrete look like brick, tile, cobblestone, and random quarried stone. This can present the alternative of long lasting yet visually appealing surfaces that can be reinforced to accept very heavy loading at significantly less cost than the traditional methods of base and top coating materials.
- Hillside construction work - we've worked on hillside projects for over 20 years and have dealt with many engineer's specifications, special retaining walls, special drainage systems and special construction connection systems.
- Roof and floor systems - we have installed, helped design, reinforced, repaired, covered, straightened, modified, and inspected many, many different types of these systems over the years and take particular pride in being able to design and hand cut rafter/beam assemblies that are going to be exposed without relying on unsightly metal brackets to hide every connection from view.
- Specialty construction trim - we know how to make the pieces to match the old windows and doors, curved trim, and even how to reset the old sash weights if that is what is desired. We have done a lot of work with plaster and between our own staff and selected outside help can tie into, match, and repair about any texture you can find on a building.
- Steel buildings - we have worked on many different types over the years, and with the help of our associated structural engineers can modify almost any type.
- Emergency Construction Work* for all types of structural: fire, flood, wind, vehicle. We've handled major fires, trees down on top of and down through structures. We've repaired flood undercut foundations, and repaired many buildings that 'jumped' out in front of different vehicles. We are well versed on explaining billings and work descriptions to insurance companies.
*We can normally put a crew on a project within 1-2 hrs.
- Commercial kitchen construction - we�ve done partial and whole kitchen installations in restaurants, fraternities, sororities and even a charter school�we supply design, permit acquisition, construction services and even appliance acquisition for these projects.
- Septic tank and field installations�standard, sand filter and special design.
- Many waterproofing systems (vertical, horizontal and excavated curtain drains).
- Strange, Unique, & Interesting Projects We've Worked Include:
- Underground - we've done the structural work for an underground residence.
- Railroad car - rebuilt a 1910 passenger car into a dining/snack car that runs on an excursion railroad.
- Multi-sided additions (one with twelve equal sides) with a barrel roof tie in - this is done with a combination of wood and steel.
- Elevated walkways - replaced existing wood & concrete with steel and concrete.
- Boathouse - repairs and walkways
- Houseboat - remodeling (converted boathouse to houseboat/boathouse)
- Engineered welded connectors.
- Hazardous chemical containment/manufacturing structure.
- Handicapped entries/exits and accomodations - both commercial and residential.
- Storefronts - several different types.
- Combination Laundromat / restaurant design and construction.
- Foundations under existing building - both replacing and extending to more solid ground.
- Log cabin fire repair - several roof systems.
- Quonset hut / agricultural building conversions into commercial space.
- Motor home/camper dryrot, structural, plumbing, and wiring repairs.
- The unique talents of our in house personnel. These are areas where we have on staff people well trained previously to our employ, some come into our group to get a more well rounded construction education (these people hold the appropriate licenses for these areas):
- Boiler Work
- Plumbing
- Welding steel/aluminum
- Design/technical drafting
- Wood, steel & concrete construction

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